Institute Of Chartered Tax Practitioners India
( Professional Body of Enrolled Tax Practitioners of the Nation)
[ICTPI is a Non-Government Organisation & Non-Profiteering Institute, recognised as section 8 Public Company Limited by guarantee, incorporated under The Companies Act, 2013 vide CIN: U85100KA2020NPL131334]​​

Membership of the Institute
(Types of Membership )
Every person who desires to have his name entered in the Register of Members as a Member shall submit to the secretary an online application in the prescribed form along with signed declaration & documents shall also pay required fees online only. for individuals there are five types of memberships -
Affiliates - Those who are freshers Or those who are other professionals Or those who are under Employment
Primary Affiliates - For existing ITP's/ GSTP/ STP's to associate
Associates- Those who are in practice for more than 5 yrs
Fellows- Those who are in practice for more than 10 yrs
Honorary- Those who have distinguished themself in the field of Taxation & allied Laws
Academic- Those who are into teaching Taxation & allied Laws
Please note that Honorary/Academic membership is by invite only. details of which will be notified soon.
Institutional membership is also open to corporate, national, international institutes for strategic partnerships.
Eligibility -
(i) Basic Condition – (Proof of which has to be submitted in writing)
1. He is a resident and holds normal citizenship of India by birth or otherwise is entitled to Indian nationality.
2. He is of 21 years of age at the time of application.
3. He is of sound mind.
4. He is of good moral character and has not been at any time convicted for any offence.
5. He is not declared as insolvent .
Click below to know more about specific class of membership in detail