About Us
Institute of Chartered Tax Practitioners India, is a body of tax practitioners formed to create a profession of Chartered Tax Practitioners & to protect its members and promote it’s objects
The Institute functions as a membership organisation registered under the section 8 of Companies Act 2013 & accordingly it has its own rules and regulations. All persons whose names are entered in the Register of Members at the time of registration of the Institute and will have their names entered in the Register under the Rules and Regulations of the Institute, so long as they continue to have their names borne in the said Register, shall constitute a body corporate by the name of Institute of Chartered Tax Practitioners India and all such persons shall be known as Members of the Institute.
Further the Institute shall never be construed to be in competition of other statutory professional accounting, law or taxation bodies of India , Our institute is rather working as an independent body for upliftment of tax practitioners.
The institute aims at creating a uniform platform & voluntary compliance & acceptance of best ethical practices by currently practicing tax practitioners
The Institute shall have perpetual succession and a Common Seal.